Times They Are A-Changing Exhibit
At The Heritage Museum, Sundays 11am-3pm see the family friendly ‘TIMES THEY ARE A- CHANGING EXHIBIT’. It features over a dozen…
Messages in the Dust
Throughout July and August, the Mill Bay/Malahat Historical Society was proud to produce this live theatre show that transformed the past into reality.
The War Years in Mill Bay, A Time To Remember
For most people today it is hard to grasp what it was like here during the war years. Canadians...
Want to Help Make History Come Alive? Please join us in our efforts to preserve and celebrate the history of our local community. Do so while meeting new people and having some fun!
Contact Bamberton Historical Society, Cobble Hill Historical Society or Mill Bay/Malahat Historical Society.
The Heritage Museum’s ‘Times They Are A-Changing Exhibit’ is an opportunity to relive your memories.
See the changes that time has created in our lives.
Remember Rock and Roll, The 50’s Diner, a rotary phone, the school strap and don’t forget the ‘Out House’. Play the ‘GUESS THE OBJECT GAME’, it’s fun for the whole family.
When open, you can see all this and more from 11am to 3pm on Sundays at the Heritage Museum, 2851 Church Way, in Mill Bay.
Open Sundays 11am-3pm
The Heritage Museum
The family friendly ‘TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGING EXHIBIT’, features over a dozen hand crafted life size figures that bring history to life and offer an intriguing look into the past. A sure way to bring back memories and create new ones.
Hello Everyone
I’m Maureen Alexander with the Mill Bay/Malahat Historical Society and I want to welcome you to the fun History Trivia Quiz called ‘I NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED THAT’.
We are going to test your history knowledge with three questions that might make you say “I never would have guessed that’.
Bamberton Historical Society
The Bamberton archives were started in July of 2005. Since that time hundreds of pieces of information have been collected in the form of …
BC Forest Discovery Centre Museum
British Columbia Museums Association
Cowichan Valley Museum
The Cobble Hill Historical Society
- To maintain an active historical society in Cobble Hill
- To collect the history of the Cobble Hill area
- To provide a web site that will function as both an archive and a virtual museum
- To maintain an historical wall that depicts people, places and events from South Cowichan history
- To provide educational outreach to our community
The Bamberton, Cobble Hill, and Mill Bay Malahat Historical Societies formed the Heritage Museum Partnership in early 2017 and worked toward creating a museum from the small white church (formerly Mill Bay United) in Mill Bay. The building and its grounds, complete with a cemetery on the north and south sides, became a South Cowichan Park in 2007, after being donated by the United Church. To bring the property to a standard for public use, the Cowichan Valley Regional District carried out major repairs and upgrades.
The Maritime Museum of BC
Victoria Historical Society
Victoria Genealogical Society
The Victoria Genealogical Society (VGS) was established in 1978. Located in Victoria BC Canada. To support and promote family history research in Victoria, across Canada and around the world.
Shawnigan Lake Museum
Want to Help Make History Come Alive?
Please join us in our efforts to preserve and celebrate the history of our local community. Do so while meeting new people and having some fun!
Annual membership fee is $5 per person.
Please indicate your areas of interest. Historic Theatre, Artifact Acquisition, Tour Historic Sites, Fund Raising, Catalogue Artifacts, Display/ Design, Promotion/ Publicity, Interview Elders, Museum Docent, Special Events, Other …
Call us to discuss ways you can preserve the heritage of your family and our community.
We are a registered charity and can issue tax receipts for donations.
Annual membership fee is $5 per person.
If you would like to include society membership with your donation, please put the word Membership in the comments box on the donations page.
The membership form PDF and money can be dropped off at the Mill Bay Paint and Hardware store in the Mill Bay Mall
or mailed to the
PO Box #263
2720 Mill Bay RD. V0R2P1

Northbound on Hwy. 1:
Drive past Mill Bay Centre and past the turn-off to Shawnigan-Mill Bay Rd. Turn right at the next signal onto Kilmalu Rd. and then immediately right again onto Church Way. The museum is at the end of Church Way.
Southbound on Hwy. 1:
Drive past Hutchinson Rd. and when you get to the Laughing Llama store before the next signal, get in the left turn lane. Turn left onto Kilmalu Rd. and immediately right onto Church Way. Park at the end of Church Way.
2851 Church Way, Mill Bay, BC V0R 2P2
Call Us