by Admin | Mar 6, 2025 | Events
The Heritage Museum, located in a former church constructed in the 1800s, is an opportunity for the whole family to see the changes that time has created in our lives, all with your own tour guide. The family friendly ‘TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGING EXHIBIT’, features over...
by Admin | Aug 6, 2024 | Events
Throughout July and August, the Mill Bay/Malahat Historical Society was proud to produce this live theatre show that transformed the past into reality. We uncovered forgotten stories of Vancouver Island’s early years, retold with emotional fast paced action that...
by Admin | May 11, 2022 | Events
The Mill Bay/Malahat Historical Society AGM will be Monday, May 30 @ 1:30 at the Heritage Church 2581 Church Way, Mill...
by Admin | Oct 6, 2020 | Events
Thank you to all the volunteers and to all the MBMHS members who continue to encourage and support our efforts to preserve and present the history of the Mill Bay and Malahat areas. As you can see from the Minutes of the MBMHS AGM we have several exciting new projects...
by Admin | Aug 28, 2020 | Events
Mill Bay/Malahat Historical Society – AGM – Saturday, September 19, 2020 – 10:00am – Covid Protocols in place – Mill Bay Community League Hall (next to Kerry Park Arena, Mill...
by Admin | May 11, 2020 | Events
As you can see we have been approved for another Smile Card term. I know visits to get groceries are less now but just wanted you to know the MBMHS Smile Cards cards are again contributing 5% to the MBMHS historical society. We don’t have a list of who has cards...
by Admin | Apr 20, 2020 | Events
On behalf of the Mill By/Malahat Historical Society I hope everyone is healthy and finding enjoyable things to do during this difficult time. We know trips to the grocery store are limited but if you have a MBMHS Smile Card we wanted you to know the MBMHS Smile card...
by Admin | May 6, 2019 | Events
DON’T MISS THIS – It is with great pleasure that we invite all community volunteers, as well as any organization that has volunteer members, to attend the Mill Bay Community League’s annual Community Volunteer Recognition and Appreciation Barbeque. This is the...
by Admin | Mar 31, 2019 | Events
The MBMHS AGM will be on Saturday, April 27 at the Mill Bay Community League Hall Boardroom starting at 9:45am.
by Admin | Mar 25, 2019 | Events
The MBMHS is collecting Country Grocer Receipts Drop off your Country Grocer receipts at Mill Bay Paint and Hardware store. We are collecting Country Grocer cash register receipts and would love for your help. Cheryl at Mill Bay Paint and Hardware has set up a box in...