Thank you to all the volunteers and to all the MBMHS members who continue to encourage and support our efforts to preserve and present the history of the Mill Bay and Malahat areas.
As you can see from the Minutes of the MBMHS AGM we have several exciting new projects planned. 
We are creating a brand new  exhibit for the Heritage Museum to be unveiled in the spring of 2021.   We are also developing a fun online Quiz/Game for all the people interested in testing their skill and history knowledge.  If you or anyone you know would like to be involved in these exciting new projects please contact me.  We welcome your input.

In order to devote our time and resources to these new projects the Heritage Museum will be closed until 2021.  Thank you to everyone who visited and enjoyed the  ‘1919-1929 Roaring Decade Exhibit’ and we hope to see you when we reopen in the spring.

Maureen Alexander