It is 1945 and people are complaining about the lack of diversions for young people. While the older people talked the teenagers acted. They made arrangements with the Masons to wash dishes and look after the Masonic Hall in exchange for the use of it on certain nights and talked a local resident into donating a ping pong table. A dance teacher came to work at the Solarium (now Brentwood College) and soon an enthusiastic old time dance class was in full swing. All this activity stirred the older folks and the Mill Bay Community League was formed with the first objective to build a hall.

Here we are 74 years later and the MBCL Hall and the Community League itself have undergone many changes over the years, with the most current hall renovation seeing new siding, windows and gutters installed.

But more importantly the MBCL Hall is still a central gathering place for members of the community as evidenced by the following groups.

Tai Chi (Tues/Thurs), Zumba (Tues/Fri), Folk Dancers (Monday night), Carpet Bowlers (Wednesdays), Fitness(Mon & Wed),Garden Club (last Tues of the month), South Cowichan Health Care Auxiliary, Jazzercise, MBCL (first Wednesday of every month) and additional rentals that don’t rent on a regular basis.

If you are interested in renting the MBCL Hall please call the office at Kerry Park.

Did You Know:
Deer Lodge Motel was formerly called MacIntosh Guest House and was moved to its present location in 1953 from 2581 Mill Bay Road.