Saturday, November 2, 2019
St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, Cowichan Station
2475 Koksilah Road, Duncan
11:00 a.m.
Starting at 11:00 a.m., former parishioners and members of the South Cowichan cross placement volunteers will set up and salute 32 remembrance crosses on veterans’ graves in St. Andrew’s churchyard and two inside the church in front of the stained-glass window commemorating the 13 servicemen from Cowichan Station who lost their lives overseas during the First World War. The group will later proceed to Shawnigan Community Cemetery for the afternoon part of the day’s events.
Starting at Shawnigan Community Cemetery at 1:00 p.m.:
Shawnigan Community Cemetery
1825-1855 Munsie Road, Shawnigan Lake
Heritage Museum (Mill Bay Methodist/United Church Cemetery)
2851 Church Way, Mill Bay
St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church
790 Kilmalu Road, Mill Bay
The South Cowichan volunteer group will place thirty-five white crosses marking the graves of local veterans at Shawnigan Community Cemetery starting at 1:00 pm. The volunteers will continue on to set 12 crosses at the Heritage Partnership Museum (the former Mill Bay Methodist/ United Church churchyard).
By 2:00 pm, the group should reach St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church Cemetery, where a procession and piper will provide the background for the placement of 51 white crosses, the day concluding with refreshments in the parish pastoral centre.
The Mill Bay/Malahat Historical Society organizes the South Cowichan cross placements together with Royal Canadian Legion Branch 134, 744 (Cowichan) Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, the Malahat Lions Club, and St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church. For further details, call the MBMHS at (250) 743-0144.