Thank you to all who came to the White Cross Event hosted by the MBMHS on Oct. 29.
White cross placements to mark the graves of all armed services veterans were placed at the Shawnigan Cemetery, the Mill Bay Methodist/United Church cemetery at the Heritage Museum and finally at St. Francis Xavier Cemetery where we were fortunate to have Bishop Gary Gordon say a prayer while bagpipes played by Francis Nichol provided the background music. Socializing and refreshments organized by Pauline Hyde and Chari Alexander along with a touching video created by Robert Ward, followed in the pastoral centre.
A special thanks to Ben Weber, Dwight Grieve and numerous cadets in their regalia who saluted each placement while Mike Bieling, Jim Wisnia, and Lyn Wisnia, ensured none were missed.
The Mill Bay/Malahat Historical Society coordinates these placements and is grateful for the cooperation of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 134, Cowichan Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, Malahat Lions, St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, and the Old Cemeteries Society.
Crosses will remain until the end of November, at which time we’ll clean them up and store them away until 2023.
Thanks to all who helped work on or witness this endeavour to honour those who willingly served to keep their communities safe.