New Solarium Display

New Solarium Display

THE HERITAGE MUSEUM’S NEW DISPLAY Learn more about the Queen Alexandra Solarium (now Brentwood College) and other fascinating history in our ‘TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGING...
Kids, You Could Win a Prize

Kids, You Could Win a Prize

Head on down to the Mill Bay Regional Library in the Mill Bay Mall and play our WHAT AM I GAME? (answers on the back of the ? card) Take one of the little paper posters from the table, Write your guess on the back, Ask one of the librarians to stamp it, Bring it to...
Artifact Storage Renovation

Artifact Storage Renovation

Thanks to Ted Zinkan and Ben Weber, the MBMHS office and artifact storage unit no longer looks like a shipping container. Working inside it, is our Artifact Inventory Committee, Karlie Weber, Gillian McCutcheon and Lyn...


OUT WITH THE OLD IN 2023, MAYBE NOT!!! The New Year is an opportunity to reflect on the past and recognize the meaningful transitions and milestones that have resulted in our lives being what they are today. Chocolate Bar 1898 (Canadian Invention)Invented by Arthur...
Thank You White Cross Placement

Thank You White Cross Placement

Thank you to all who came to the White Cross Event hosted by the MBMHS on Oct. 29. White cross placements to mark the graves of all armed services veterans were placed at the Shawnigan Cemetery, the Mill Bay Methodist/United Church cemetery at the Heritage Museum and...
White Cross Placement

White Cross Placement

The Mill Bay/Malahat Historical Society invites you to the White Cross Placements at St. Francis Xavier on Sat. Oct. 29th. 2pm.  (790 Kilmalu Rd. Mill Bay BC) 2022 will be the 96th year of the Cowichan Valley remembrance tradition of having Armed Forces, Legion...
British Home Children

British Home Children

A Talk by Lois Thompson When: When: September 20, 2022 at 7pm Where: Mill Bay Community Hall 1035 Shawnigan Lake-Mill Bay Rd Sponsored by: The Mill Bay-Malahat Historical Society, the Shawnigan Lake Museum, and the Mill Bay Community League. To register: Email...
Trouble With Your Phone, Things Could Be Worse!

Trouble With Your Phone, Things Could Be Worse!

Trouble With Your Phone, Things Could Be Worse! (Maureen Alexander, Mill Bay/Malahat Historical Society) In the early 1900s there were only two telephones in the whole area. In 1913 Cobble Hill got its own telephone office and even to this day if you live in Mill Bay...